The following are duties and responsibilities of a club sponsor, as set forth by the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools system:

1. Recruit students. Encouraging diversity must be one of your goals.
2. Establish and secure a location for regular meetings.
3. Determine what materials will be needed and what funding is available.
4. Publish a schedule of club meetings and competitions.
5. Contact parents and keep them regularly informed of club activities.
6. Determine what resources are available to help your students perfect their strategies.
7. Determine how you will publicize your club.
8. Send any press releases to the CMS Public Information Office, located at the Education Center.
9. Questions regarding chess can be directed to the CMSCA.

Do's and Don'ts

In addition to the foregoing, to help the CMSCA serve you and your club better, we ask that you adhere to the following DO's and DON'Ts:

1. DO check the online calendar every weekend to confirm your scheduled visit time and date.

2. DO be sure to sign the CMSCA instructor’s timesheet at the end of every visit, and record the time the instructor was present.

3. DO introduce your instructor to the group of students he or she will be working with.

4. DO encourage students to treat the instructor with respect and enthusiasm. It is appropriate to refer to the instructor as "Coach
John" or "Coach Jane."

5. DO handle all student disciplinary problems yourself, as it is not the responsibility of the CMSCA instructor to discipline club
members. If a student becomes disruptive during a lesson, he or she obviously does not want to be there, and the instructor will
send the student to you.

6. DO check the schedule of upcoming tournaments and provide registration forms for your club members to be able to participate.

7. DO contact the CMSCA if your instructor does not show up according to the posted schedule.

8. DO contact the CMSCA if you change the time, date and/or location of your club meetings, or if your club will not be meeting
when you are scheduled to have an instructor visit.

9. DO contact us if you have feedback (negative or positive) on any CMSCA issue including instructors, scheduling or tournaments.

10. DON'T leave club control with an instructor. The instructor is a resource for your students, but it is still your responsibility to run
and organize the club and to maintain order among students.

11. DON'T give scheduling information to the instructor without contacting the CMSCA as well.

© Copyright Charlotte-Mecklenburg Scholastic Chess Association. All rights reserved.